A novel, safe, non-drug and non-invasive system for the successful treatment of Alzhiemer’s Disease and Dementia. Alzheimer’s Diease (AD) is an incurable, degenerative and terminal disease and the most  common form of DEMENTIA. The NeuroAD System is an innovative, safe and effective medical developed for the treatment of AD. The NeuroAD System’s technology has received CE approval “for treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s Disease” and is the first medical device in the world cleared for this indication. NeuroAD System is currently in ongoing multi-national randomized clinical trials in Europe, USA, Israel & Singapore. Installation bases are gradually extended to developed  countries.

To date, NeuroAD system is able to slow down Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia during clinical trials until there is a cure available in the near future. Please view the video below for more information.

More news for Magnetic pulses while brain training provides new treatment for Alzhiemer’s – Telegraph:

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